The delete method in the previous code sample demonstrates how the classes can help to assure the consistency of the business objects. 前面代码示例中的delete方法展示了这些类如何有助于确保业务对象的一致性。
So, take a gander at another code comparison this time using the PHP language starting with read, then going on to create, delete, and update, as with the code comparisons above. 因此,看一下另一种代码比较这次使用PHP语言从read开始,然后是create、delete和update,同上面的代码比较一样。
Delete the code of the onclick event for the edit button and respecify it as an Open Page simple action. 删除编辑按钮onclick事件的代码并重新指定它为OpenPage简单操作。
You can ( and should) lock down the delete and update closures with the same four lines of code. 您可以(也应该)使用相同的四行代码锁定delete和update闭包。
In a similar fashion, the operations to Look Up, View All, and Delete have been implemented ( see the source code attached in the Downloads section). lookup、ViewAll和Delete的操作也以类似的方式实现(参见下载部分附带的源代码)。
In this simple example, the delete method of the customer class contains appropriate code to check if one or more orders for this customer still exist. 在这个简单的例子中,客户类的delete方法包含检查该客户的一个或多个订单是否依然存在的适当代码。
Given these and similar issues, I find the efforts of some extreme programmers to delete all untested code automatically to be unrealistic and perhaps satirical. 考虑到上面这些以及类似的情况,我认为一些极限程序员自动删除所有未测试代码的做法是不切实际的,并且可能具有一定的讽刺性。
In the sample code, we have created three Triggers on the customer table for Insert, Update, and Delete. 在示例代码中,我们在customer表上创建了三个触发器,分别用于Insert、Update和Delete操作。
As illustrated in this article, you can create, view, modify, and delete Web services without writing extensive code, and you can deploy these Web services with ease. 如本文所述,您可以在不编写大量代码的情况下创建、查看、修改和删除Web服务,并且可以轻松地部署这些Web服务。
For example, if you delete a form file, the code and resource file will also be marked for deletion. 例如,如果删除一个窗体文件,则代码和资源文件也将标记为删除。
Delete those lines of code and move them up to the top and problem solved. 把这几行代码删除,然后把它们放到,前面去,问题就解决了。
Should be noted that viruses and worms as the abuse of the script, the script delete the files may be mistaken for malicious code! 需要说明的是由于病毒及蠕虫对脚本的滥用,脚本删除文件时可能会被被误认为恶意代码!
Works with a middle-tier business object to select, insert, update, delete, page, sort, cache, and filter data declaratively without extensive code. 使用中间层业务对象以声明方式对数据执行选择、插入、更新、删除、分页、排序、缓存和筛选操作。
In this case, it is first necessary to identify and delete the stored transponder code of the lost hand-held transmitter. 在这种情况下,必须识别和删除已储存的丢失的手持式发射器的收发器编码。
Administrators can easily add or delete users via a programming card or master code entered by the keypad. 管理员可以通过程序控制卡或键盘输入密码轻松地添加或删除用户。
When you delete a code group that has child code groups, you also delete the child code groups. 在删除具有子代码组的代码组时,还将删除这些子代码组。
This is a particular problem if you change something the generated code relies on, as the generated code will go into error and users will generally delete the code and re-run the generator. 在你修改了生成代码所依赖的某些内容后这个问题就会变得尤为明显,因为此时生成的代码将会出错,而用户通常都会删掉代码并重新运行生成工具。
To delete a task comment, use the link to find the comment, and then remove it from your code. 若要删除“任务注释”,请使用链接查找该注释,然后从代码中将其移除。
Don't comment out code you mean to delete. I have known people to comment out blocks of code they were rewriting and check them in commented out. 不要把应删掉的代码注释掉了事我知道有些人重写提交代码的时候,把旧代码注释掉。
After you rename or delete a symbol in your code, it might continue to appear as an error node within a class view folder. 在代码中重命名或删除符号后,该符号可能仍然以一个错误节点的形式出现在“类视图”文件夹内。
I think that the future belongs to organizations that learn how to strategically delete code. 我认为未来属于知道如何有策略地删除代码的公司。
Therefore, you will get a compiler error if you delete an event source but leave the underlying function in the source code. 因此,如果删除事件源而在源代码中保留基础函数,则将遇到编译器错误。
Modify or delete the comment in your code. 修改或删除代码中的注释。
So this we would want to delete in order for the code not to run the risk of crashing, but let's now see this was made by an excellent teacher out at Stanford University. 我要按顺序删除它,不要冒崩溃的风险,但是这个是由一个来自斯坦福大学的,优秀教师做的。
Eh, just delete the entire code and it'll work. 这是可以做到,你只需要修改的代码发布。
The apparatus can check not only the trouble memor y system function and delete the trouble memory function, implement the call and deletion of trouble code, but also has a very powerful data flow function. 该仪器不仅能查询故障记忆系统功能及消除故障记忆功能,完成故障码的调取及清除工作,而且该仪器的数据流功能也十分强大。
According to the improved system of Zhuzhou integrative pipelines network GIS, I detailedly enumerate some system applied basic function, stressed demonstrate-system initial interface, enter pipelines database, delete object operation and explain these source code. 根据改进后的株洲综合管网地理信息系统,详细列出了一部分系统实现的基本功能,重点示范说明系统初始界面生成、登录管线数据库、删除对象操作的源代码。
First, project level optimization, adjust and delete the original code according to the difference between DSP platform and PC platform. Achieve the initial optimization through the CCS compiler options and other methods. 首先是项目级优化,根据DSP平台和PC平台的差异调整代码、对原代码进行删减、通过CCS的编译选项等方法实现初步优化。
It was easy to add, delete and modify the test data. In addition, test on an approach can be done repeatedly without test code modification. 其优点是能够方便地添加、删除或修改测试数据,并在不需要修改测试代码的情况下对一个方法进行回归测试。